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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Analog Twitter Wall

Last March I was fortunate enough to attend. the MACUL Conference. While I was there I was thrilled to be able to learn from Drew Minock (@TechMinock) and Brad Waid (@techbradwaid) of Two Guys and Some iPads.
*Side note, if you ever have the chance to hear them speak, TAKE IT! They're incredible!

Anyways, one of the things that they spoke about was using an Analog Twitter Wall in the classroom. Check out their post about it here. I created one of these in my classroom immediately upon returning from the conference. However, before introducing the concept to the students, I first began by asking them to raise their hands if they have ever heard of Twitter. Every single hand went up! To me this validated the importance of discussing the topic of Digital Citizenship in regard to social media before students are of the age to have their own accounts.

I first introduced our new classroom Twitter account (@Lambitz1stGrade). The students were so thrilled! We discussed the concept of Twitter and how we would be using it to connect and learn with people around the world. I discussed with the class that before we send out a tweet we must always ask ourselves if our words positive, appropriate, and do they represent us well? Then we ask ourselves if we want to put our words out into the world and never be able to take them back? It is my hope that by repeating these concepts daily that the students will learn to ask these of themselves when they do have the opportunity to put their own words out on the internet.

I also use our Analog Twitter Wall as part of our ongoing discussion about Digital Citizenship. The students treat these Analog Tweets as if they are actually being put out on Twitter. In fact, sometimes, we do use the thoughts and questions from our wall on our classroom Twitter account. The students love having the opportunity to write their own "tweets"! Writing tweets is part of our morning routine. After the students complete their morning work, they write their tweet and then post it back on our wall.

I have continued with the classroom Twitter account and the Analog Twitter Wall with my class this school year. As I mentioned in my Classroom Setup post my Analog Twitter Wall got a makeover this year. I was going to create my own "Twitter Cards", but thought to check Teachers Pay Teachers first. I found exactly what I was looking for! I downloaded these "Twitter Exit Cards" by The Pioneer Teacher. They're perfect! I laminated them and put magnets on the back. Students use a dry erase marker to write their "tweet" everyday.

I have really enjoyed using both a classroom Twitter account and an Analog Twitter Wall with my students. I have found both to be very positive! I hope you give it a try with your class and find the same success that I have.

Marshmallow Challenge

Okay, so this post is WAY over due. With this being my first year as a 1:1 classroom I have focused so much time and energy on integrating the devices to the best of my ability. Therefore, this blog has been at the bottom of my to do list. Hopefully I can post more consistently in the future.

That being said... this post takes me WAAAAY back to the first week of school. Like so many educators, I spend the beginning of school year building a classroom community. This year I led my students in the Marshmallow Challenge. This was my first time doing this, and it was a HUGE success!

The students worked together in teams for this activity. It was all about teamwork, communication, and having fun!

Materials needed for each group:

  • 20 sticks of uncooked spaghetti
  • 1 yard of sting
  • 1 yard of tape
  • 1 marshmallow (regular size)
The objective is for the each group to work together to build the tallest, freestanding tower using these items. The marshmallow needs to be at the top. I gave the groups 20 minutes. I displayed the timer on the screen so that the students could manage their time.

Before we began I explained the challenge to them and we also talked about using positive words and working together.

Then they were off! They were so excited and the conversations they had were amazing!

The tallest tower!

I was so pleased with how well this activity went and I will definitely do this again in the future. It was a wonderful experience for the class. I would definitely recommend trying it with your students!